Help with Sandy NFIP Claims Review Process — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

Help with Sandy NFIP Claims Review Process

If you filed a flood insurance (NFIP) claim after Superstorm Sandy, and you were not satisfied with the amount of money you received from your flood insurance company, you can request a review of your flood insurance claim through FEMA.  VLJ, in collaboration with Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ), is hosting several clinics statewide which will cover the NFIP claims review process from start to finish and answer any questions you may have.  Walk-ins are welcome; no need to register in advance.  See current dates and locations (right).  More clinic dates and locations will be added.  Please call 1-844-308-2053 for up-to-date information.
