VLJ In the News: First-ever Vacatur Hearing for a Victim of Sex Trafficking in New Jersey — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

VLJ In the News: First-ever Vacatur Hearing for a Victim of Sex Trafficking in New Jersey

On Friday, June 19th, Volunteer Lawyers for Justice and McCarter and English won the first-ever vacatur hearing for a victim of sex trafficking in New Jersey!  VLJ’s client, MS, was forced into prostitution in 2002 when her trafficker tricked her into believing that he would help her regain custody of her son.  For years she faced brutal violence before she was able to escape in 2004.  Three years later, MS assisted federal prosecutors in their case against her trafficker, helping to send him to prison for 20 years.  She has since regained custody of her son and is working hard to build a life for herself and her family.  Having her New Jersey convictions vacated is a big step in helping her to move forward.  This victory changes MS’s narrative so that she will no longer be treated as a criminal, but instead recognized as a victim. For more information about this case, please read our article in the Star Ledger by clicking here. For any questions about VLJ's Trafficking Victims Legal Assistance Project, please contact us at 973-645-1955