McCarter & English — News & Updates — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

McCarter & English

How We Do Justice Matters - VLJ's Veterans Legal Program

How We Do Justice Matters - VLJ's Veterans Legal Program

"As the saying goes, no Marine is left behind, and VLJ and their volunteers were one of the first American organizations to have found me and helped me not be left behind.”

Because how we do justice matters.

Daniel D'Alessandro, Partner at McCarter & English, LLP, Joins Volunteer Lawyers for Justice’s Board of Trustees

Daniel D'Alessandro, Partner at McCarter & English, LLP, Joins Volunteer Lawyers for Justice’s Board of Trustees

Newark, NJ — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) heartily announces that Daniel D'Alessandro (“Dan”) of Hoboken recently joined its Board of Trustees. Dan, a partner at McCarter & English, LLP, is a fervent and longstanding volunteer with VLJ whose substantial experience in complex contractual, financial, and regulatory matters will undeniably add to the expertise and strength of VLJ’s board.

VLJ July 2023 Supporter of the Month: McCarter & English, LLP

VLJ July 2023 Supporter of the Month: McCarter & English, LLP

As the saying goes, “Home is where the heart is,” and VLJ’s home in Newark is generously made possible by our July 2023 Supporter of the Month, McCarter & English, LLP.

McCarter & English could have stopped there, but going above and beyond in 2022, 72 attorney and non-attorney staff from McCarter & English volunteered nearly 1,307 hours of their time. The already impressive 1,307 volunteer hours really hit home the power of pro bono when one considers the corresponding “value in service” (calculated using individual billable rates) means over $498,000 in free legal assistance was donated to VLJ and its clients. McCarter & English's unwavering partnership with VLJ empowers us and our work, and it shows the commitment to ensuring access to justice runs deep in Newark and across New Jersey.  

On The Move: Bressler Amery; McCarter & English

Among Yablonsky’s goals are to provide quality legal services to low-income communities, help those in need, and foster community relationships through pro bono collaborations with existing clients across the firm’s offices. Bressler has long supported such organizations such as Partners for Women & Justice, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, and Volunteer Lawyers for Justice.

January 2019 Volunteer of the Month: Brett Kahn

When he was a new associate at McCarter & English, Brett Kahn attended a luncheon where the firm’s partners discussed the importance of doing pro bono work and highlighted the opportunities for pro bono work with VLJ. After his first experience volunteering on a case, he was hooked. Over the years, Brett has worked on 37 different pro bono cases for VLJ clients. Today, almost a decade after that luncheon, Brett is a partner himself at McCarter & English, welcomed his first child in July, and is still taking on pro bono cases for VLJ.

December 2017 Volunteer of the Month: Laura Kelly

It would be easy to make the assumption that low-income clients with very few assets would have little need for a will.  On the contrary, as Laura Kelly says, “That just makes the assets they do have even more important to them.”

Laura is a Partner at McCarter & English.  She has concentrated her practice in trusts and estates matters since 1994, and has volunteered with VLJ for the past several years both by taking pro bono estate cases for full representation and by speaking at VLJ’s clinics to train volunteer attorneys.