Bill Prohibiting Disclosure of Pending Expungement Orders Sent to NJ Governor

Bill Prohibiting Disclosure of Pending Expungement Orders Sent to NJ Governor

A bill that would prohibit the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) in the Division of State Police from sharing criminal history information for people with unprocessed expungement records passed the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly in January and was sent to Governor Murphy. Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) supports S2513/A3881 preventing expunged criminal records from disclosure by the SBI.

Karen Robinson, the VLJ managing attorney who oversees VLJ's ReLeSe (Reentry Legal Services) Program, said:

“The purpose of obtaining an expungement is for the petitioner to truthfully answer that no criminal record exists. When the SBI discloses an expunged record, due to their significant delays processing the court’s final order, then the entire purpose of getting criminal clearing relief is defeated. We applaud the efforts of Assemblywoman Quijano, Assemblywoman Park, Senator Stack, and Senator McKnight to ensure that justice delayed does not mean justice denied.”

Karen Robinson
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

🔗Read the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Capitol Report:

🔗 For the legislative history: