A Message from Cathy Keenan: The Mission of Volunteer Lawyers for Justice — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

A Message from Cathy Keenan: The Mission of Volunteer Lawyers for Justice Is...


Hello friends,

October is a big month for VLJ. On October 20th, we’ll gather virtually to celebrate VLJ’s 20th anniversary.The night will feature an inspirational spoken word performance from Sheika ‘Purple’ Norris, director of the NJPAC’s Hip Hop Education Program. We’ll also view a powerful testimonial from Michael –a VLJ client who cleared crushing medical debt by working with our bankruptcy program. Finally, we’ll honor three giants in the legal field: Karen Sacks, Founding Executive Director of VLJ, Merck & Co., and Former US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Surely this will be a night that causes our collective passion for justice to burn brighter. Be sure to purchase your tickets.

The following week is National Pro Bono Week. Legal organizations across the county will draw attention to the need for pro bono help and will celebrate those who volunteer their time. We have a lot planned, including timely trainings to prepare volunteers to address the growing list of legal issues stemming from the pandemic. We are also asking the greater VLJ community to help us answer this question: “Justice Is___”

We’d like you to tell us what justice means to you, and how pro bono work helps to achieve that justice.  Please join us by sending a photo, video, or email answering the prompt “Justice is___” to aahiabor@vljnj.org. Check out our Pro Bono Week activities here.

With a focus on justice, VLJ’s Board of Trustees and staff finalized a new mission statement!

VLJ mission statement:

To ensure access to justice for people experiencing poverty

As you can imagine, at an organization comprised mostly of lawyers, we had some spirited debates about the essence of VLJ’s work and purpose. We aligned upon an ambitious mission that doesn’t merely set out to provide free legal services, but strives to ensure justice is accessible to all .

The words “people experiencing poverty” were carefully chosen to emphasize our enduring belief in the agency our clients possess. We believe that poverty can and should be transitory. We believe that socioeconomic status should not limit one’s access to justice. We believe that our work has a  profound impact on individuals, families, communities, and generations. With this in mind, we fulfill our mission by mobilizing volunteers and staff to address critical legal needs and advance racial, social, and economic justice in New Jersey.

I hope October’s activities and the revamped statement of our mission will inspire you to ask not only what justice means to you, but what you can do to help further justice in New Jersey.

Cathy Keenan Signature w Title.png

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