May 2020 Volunteer of the Month: George M. Holland — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

May 2020 Volunteer of the Month: George M. Holland

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice is thrilled to honor George Holland as its May Volunteer of the Month. George has been a devoted volunteer with VLJ’s Children’s Representation Program since November 2015. 

George’s commitment to advocating for the rights of disabled children dates back to when he first started practicing law in 1996. George has his own successful law firm, the Law Offices of George M. Holland, which primarily involves special education litigation with local school districts. He also provides advice and advocacy in dealing with special education and related services, issues involving placements and programs as well as working with consultants and experts. In addition, George handles litigation with state agencies, such as the Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Children’s System of Care, as well as the preparation and filing of guardianship applications.


George first learned about VLJ five years ago from his friends at the Education Law Center. He immediately signed up to become a volunteer with VLJ. Since then, he has provided pro bono legal representation to ten clients in their special education matters. 

George is steadfastly committed to pro bono work and wholeheartedly believes in the importance of giving back. “I feel very fortunate to be able to assist and make a difference in the lives of disabled students and their families. Through my work with the VLJ, I am trying to help the many students and families who could use my services, but are unable to afford to pay the hourly rate that a private attorney, such as myself, would charge,” notes George.  

George recalls one recent pro bono case with VLJ where he advocated on behalf of a single mother whose disabled child had been terminated from his private school for disabled students. The district abruptly stopped paying for the private school claiming that the child was no longer domiciled within the district and disregarded the parent’s procedural rights to contest this determination. The child had been home for months without any education or even the ability to socialize with peers. In a very short amount of time, George was able to successfully get him back into that school so that he could continue his education.

Reflecting on his work with VLJ, George remarks: “I have found VLJ to take a very ‘hands on' approach. They thoroughly interview prospective pro bono clients to ensure that their disputes actually merit having an attorney. Moreover, they remain involved in the cases. They have even assisted with communicating with clients who do not speak English as a first language while a case was pending.” 

George is such a passionate advocate for low-income parents of children with disabilities. Not only does George take on cases for full-representation, but he is also always available to mentor other less experienced attorneys. George also gets out in front of emerging legal issues and he has stepped up even more in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, affirmatively reaching out to VLJ to offer his assistance. 

VLJ is honored to recognize George as its May Volunteer of the Month.