Volunteer Today to Help Ensure Access to Justice for VLJ Clients

Each year, 3 in 4 households with no- and low-incomes in the United States experience one or more civil legal issues. More than half of those households report that those legal issues significantly impact their lives—from their ability to remain (or become) financially stable, maintain good physical and mental health, and build healthy relationships. Moreover, these issues often disproportionately impact marginalized communities which make up the majority of those seeking help from VLJ; in 2022, 81% of VLJ clients identified as Asian, Black, Indigenous, or Latino/a/x, and a significant majority identified as women.

Exacerbating the gap in access to civil legal justice, according to the Legal Services Corporation’s The Justice Gap report, Americans with no- and low-incomes did not receive any or enough legal help for 92% of their civil legal problems. This is compounded by the fact that there is generally no constitutional right to an attorney in civil legal matters (in contrast with the constitutional right to counsel in criminal matters).

Every day, VLJ volunteers are working to combat these statistics. By taking a case with VLJ, you can help ensure New Jerseyans experiencing poverty have access to justice, one client at a time.


special education - remote (essex county)

Classified preschooler TL's latest IEP (September 2024) indicates weekly speech and OT sessions. Since the start of the year, TL has missed over 50 speech and OT sessions and is in a classroom with a special education teacher. His parent, AL, is seeking comp ed. and representation at a settlement conference scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th.

To review, email donuschak@vljnj.org


special education - remote (ESSEX COUNTY)

AW is 7 years old with Autism and ADHD in an LLD class (last IEP meeting August 2024). For the previous three years, AW has been bullied and physically attacked by her peers, in addition to being mistreated by her teachers, so much so that she has developed severe anxiety and tantrums and has stopped reporting incidents due to the school's lack of response and fear of disciplinary actions. As of January 1st, YKW, AW’s mother, notified the school that AW would not return to school, that she would be providing home instruction in the interim, and requested home instruction; the school has not responded. YKW needs assistance to obtain independent evaluations and understand OOD placement options (a special education school or other ABA-based program).  

To review, email donuschak@vljnj.org


special education - remote (essex)

SC has been diagnosed with several medical conditions since birth, including sickle cell disease, and while evaluations indicate the need for special education, his IEP was terminated. Now 18, SC remains in school because he is academically behind. SC’s mother, ST, is a single parent in Newark who has been struggling to advocate for her son in the Newark school district for years. ST needs assistance appealing his IEP denial.

To review, email donuschak@vljnj.org



Review the latest IEP and evaluations before providing parent with an advisory consult. If it is advisable that the parent should file for due process, let VLJ know availability to assist the parent beyond consult.

LF, currently 15 years old, was identified as having a learning disability in elementary school but was only evaluated over the last two years (neuro, speech, psych). Parent DV is seeking a consult to determine if it is appropriate to ask for ODD given LF's needs for a reading/dyslexia program; the latest IEP was issued in June 2024.

To review, email donuschak@vljnj.org



FM has received limited assistance to help respond to poor behavior from her son's school district, with no resolve. At the last IEP meeting (April 2024) the district agreed to an updated psychiatric evaluation (Oct) and removed a disciplinary page from his IEP. FM is seeking representation to file for due process.



expungement - remote

A.M. is a 51-year-old Newark resident seeking a Clean Slate expungement of a criminal record containing more than one indictable crime conviction, including a Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS) conviction that requires a compelling circumstances argument under N.J.S.A. 2C:52-2(c)(3). He has several dismissals to expunge as well.

To review, email krobinson@vljnj.org




C.G. is a 44-year-old Pennsylvania resident who needs assistance with clearing his NJ criminal record. He will need a Clean Slate petition with compelling circumstances argument advanced due to Controlled Dangerous Substance convictions. He likewise will need sentence completion verified for each conviction.



under review


L.M. needs limited scope assistance with obtaining two expungement orders from 2022 that were likely for automatic dismissals.

He also needs help distinguishing what is accurate on his Party Court History (PCH) report due to having 2 State Bureau of Identification (SBI) numbers. If necessary, he should get a Criminal Case History (CCH) report instead.

Lastly, for each conviction, he needs documentation that sentence was complete including fine payment.

Overall, it appears he needs a Clean Slate expungement with compelling circumstances due to a 3rd degree Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS) conviction, but for now, seeking to ensure he's eligible and has all the necessary documents to proceed.




remote - expungement

RS is a 41-year-old man seeking a Clean Slate expungement of a criminal record containing multiple indictable crime convictions. Record also contains 3rd degree controlled dangerous substance convictions that require a compelling circumstances argument under N.J.S.A. 2C:52-2(c)(3). Sentence completion will also need to be verified.



expungement (remote)

Full representation

JG is a 49-year-old man seeking expungement. He has two drug offenses, one that is likely barred due to the degree and another that may require a compelling circumstances argument under N.J.S.A. 2C:52-2(c)(3).

To review, email krobinson@vljnj.org